
We'll be collecting resources throughout the quarter: please share the ones you come across.

Week Ten

Forms and Formhandlers

For our lecture on Forms, please open form-start.html and download the Forms Handout.

To complete Assignment 7, you will also need the Formhandler Handout and formhandler file.

Recommended additional reading on HTML5 form elements:

Clear Default Text

Want to make your forms more cool? Of course you do! Here's a page that demonstrates how to use JavaScript to clear a textarea's default text on focus. It also shows how to style the textarea's default text.

Image Rollovers

Now that you know how to add JavaScript to your page, here is some sweet jQuery image rollover code:

Week Nine

Audio Files

On Monday we'll be covering Faux Columns, Backgrounds, and Rounded Corners.
Please download and view the source code on rounded-corners.html.
(There's no handout, just the annotated HTML files.)

Required reading for this week:

Week Eight

Audio Files

For Monday's class, please download the Image Gallery handout and the image gallery starter files:

The image gallery we'll be using is

Study Guide for Quiz 3

Here's the study guide for our third quiz, which is scheduled for Monday March 3rd at 10:00 AM.

Week Seven

Audio Files
Styling Vertical Lists

Open your basic-template.html file and download the Styling Vertical Lists handout. We'll be using it to walk through Exercise 4 (due Wednesday, February 26th).

Current-Page Nav Styles

The You Are Here handout shows how to create current-page styles in your nav. In other words, this method allows you to have unique nav styles for the page you are currently on: the About page nav item is lit up on the About page, the Contact page nav item is lit up on the Contact page, etc.

This is not required, but is worth 15 points extra credit on your final project.

Responsive Typography

This video of Natalie MacLees' presentation at WordCamp 2013 is a terrific resource on responsive typography.

Search Engine Optimization

You may also be interested in Justin Briggs' WordCamp 2013 presentation on SEO (search engine optimization).

Both talks are pitched toward people building sites in WordPress, but most of the info is applicable to non-WordPress sites as well.

The material in these videos is NOT required for this course ... I just thought you might be interested.

Week Six

Audio Files
Ex 3 Horizontal Navbar

For Exercise 3 (due Friday February 14th), please download You'll also want a copy of our Horizontal Navbar handout, which shows how to create an elegant navigation bar from a simple list and two gradient images.

Detailed requirements for Exercise 3 are on the homework page.

Week Five

Audio Files
Aspects of Good Web Design

Negative space:







Here's a good article on how to use @font-face to bring non-web-safe fonts to your pages.

And here's a simplified "how-to" without all the explanations, just a nice code example: also offers a great @font-face generator that produces code with good cross-browser support.

Note: As with images and other media, check the license of the font you wish to use before implementing it. Many fonts are not yet licensed for this kind of use on the web.

Background patterns

Adding subtle background patterns to one or two design elements can really add depth to a web page. (Don't overdo it.) offers a wide variety of free background pattern images, and the option to preview each one before downloading it.

Ex2 Handout

The Styling Links Handout walks you through the info you'll need to complete Exercise 2.


ColorZilla is a very useful FREE Firefox add-on that lets you pick colors from web sites.

Week Four

Audio Files
PHP Includes Handout

On Wednesday you'll need the handout on how to make php includes.

HTML Style Guide

As you write the CSS for each page or site you build, remember to write global styles (styles that select only the HTML tag) first, and then write location-specific selectors to create exceptions to the global rules.

Here's a handy tool for checking to see how each HTML tag will be displayed by your CSS:

If you view the HTML page and you see browser-default styles (or none, because you used CSS resets) for a particular HTML element, it's time to add global styles for that element to your CSS style sheet.

Dreamweaver Tutorials

Our Dreamweaver tutorials provide the info you'll need to manage your sites with Dreamweaver.

If you are using Dreamweaver CS3 or CS4 at home, you may find Mike Sinkula's Dreamweaver tutorial helpful:

How to use Firebug

The Firebug extension for Firefox is an awesome tool. We'll be using it a lot in this class. Here's a basic firebug tutorial, and here are a couple of firebug videos to get you started:

Image Replacement

When we use a clickable logo image in our header, we also want to include machine-readable headline text within our h1 tag for SEO. But we'll want the logo, not the text, to display on the screen. Here's how to do it:

  <a href="index.php">
    <span>My Headline Text</span> <!-- for SEO -->
    <img src="images/logo.jpg" id="logo" 
      alt="My Headline Text" <!-- for screen readers --> 
      width="XXX" height="YYY" /> 	

h1 span { 		
/* h1 text inside the span tag does not visually display, 
but search engines can read it in the HTML code */ 	

Note that the <a> tag wraps both the text and the image, and the <h1> tag wraps everything.

Client Documentation

This text file is a template for the sort of client documentation I provide each time I build a site. The site owner should always have access to their domain name registrar, their hosting account, FTP access to their server files, and (if applicable) their database, WordPress dashboard, email accounts etc. etc.

Please note: don't ever, ever upload your clients' private account credentials to the internet, where anyone can see it. Part of our job is helping our clients learn good security practices.

Week Three

Audio Files
A3 Handouts

The Site Map Handout explains the process I recommend for completing Assignment 3.

This week you'll also want the CSS Positioning Handout.

Study Guide for Quiz 2

Here's the study guide for our second quiz, which will be held on Wednesday January 29th at 10:00 AM.

Week Two

Audio Files
AIA Handout

For Monday's lecture (and Assignment 2) you'll need the handout on how to create an AIA document.

Positioning With Floats and Clears

Understanding how floats work is key to creating layouts with CSS. Here's a floats tutorial that explains it step by step. Be sure to view the source code on the page to see my HTML, CSS, and comments.

940 Grid

It's very useful to set your layout on grid. Remember that you can make any grid you want, with columns and gutters of any size you want. Your page width and grid should be based on the number of columns you need and the gutter width you want, not the other way around!

Here's a 12 column grid with 20px gutters between columns. We'll use it to design our basic template for Exercise 1.
Basic Template

Here's a diagram of a 3-column floated layout using HTML5 blocking elements. We'll use this to build a basic template to use as a starting place for our sites.

Converting your basic template into a 2-column template is easy: just remove the extra sidebar and the #main div, and reduce your wrapper width to give your page an appropriate line length for each of your two columns. Here's a diagram of a 2-column floated layout.

Copyright Notice

An important part of web authoring is properly attributing each element of your web page to its respective owner. Every page you create for this course should have a copyright notice in the footer. While the details of international copyright law are beyond the scope of this class, here's some basic information about how to write a copyright notice.

Lorem Ipsum is a great Lorem Ipsum generator, but it tends to create paragraphs and lists that are a bit long for use on the web. So I've created my own Lorem Ipsum document, with shorter paragraphs and lists. Feel free to use it.

Week One

Audio Files

Here are recordings of our Week One classes.

Please help me remember to turn the recorder on at the beginning of class, and when we return from our breaks.

Study Guide for Quiz 1

Here's the study guide for our first quiz. The quiz questions are from the course syllabus. We'll have the quiz next Monday at 10:00 AM.

Web Hosting

While school server space is available to everyone who is currently registered, I'd like to strongly encourage you to get your own (non-school) hosting account.

I recommend that you do a little research and read online reviews of web hosting services before making a decision.

Please don't use a free hosting service: having professional, reliable service and access to support when you need it is well worth a few dollars a month.

Please do not use a hosting account that won't give you FTP access to your files (i.e. don't use one that has you upload files through a browser interface), and don't use one that places pop-up ads on your pages.

Incorporating CSS3 into Your Site:

Design Inspiration

Here are some good places to find well-designed web sites as inspiration.

Have other good resources to recommend? Email me and I'll add them to the list.

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