Final Project

Your final project web site should demonstrate the culmination of your quarters' knowledge. It should be worthy of your digital portfolio/resume: something you would show a potential employer.

Choosing Your Client

Your project should be a professional, business-oriented site that provides information, promotes a service, or promotes a brick-and-mortar business. For instance, you could ask a small local business, non-profit organization, artist, church, teacher, etc. if they'd like a free website.

It may not be a personal site (i.e. one that is only of interest to your family or your five closest friends), or a database-driven site such as a blog, social networking, or e-commerce site.

You may use an imaginary client or be your own client, but I strongly recommend finding a real client if you can. Working with a real client will give you valuable real-world experience, with the opportunity to get help and advice as you go.

Clearly explain to your client that you are building the site for a class, not for them. Your grade will be based on how well your project demonstrates a clear understanding of the material covered in class. Your grade is NOT based on doing what your client requests.

If your client wishes to use the site after the class is over, they will need to purchase their own server space and domain name. We can talk more about that in class if you're interested.

Of course you can charge for your services, but since this is an entry-level class, I recommend producing the web site for free, and then offering to update and maintain it for a fee.

Combining Projects for Two Classes

The Web 120 final project fits very well with the final project for Web 200. If you are taking both classes in the same quarter, you may do one project for both classes, provided your project meets the specific requirements for each class.

This project does not fit well with the project for ITC 240 (formerly ITC 280): the course requirements and schedules are not a good match.

If you would like to do a combined project for Web 120 and another class not mentioned here, please see me to discuss it.

Presenting Your Project

You will be presenting your final project to the class on our scheduled finals day, Wednesday, March 25th, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM. This is a required part of your grade.

Web developers must present work to their clients, so we need to develop professional presentation skills. Plan to arrive on time, give the presenters your full attention, etc.

Project Requirements

Final projects are due no later than 9:00 PM on Wednesday, March 25th.
Late final projects are not accepted.

Your project will be graded on the following:

  1. At least 10 pages, with at least two levels of navigation.
  2. Real text, not lorem ipsum. Be sure to include headlines, subheads, paragraphs, lists, blockquotes, and inline text links. (If your project has more than 10 pages, the additional pages may contain lorem ipsum text.)
  3. Valid, standards-compliant code, with W3C validation badges on each page. Yes, I'm going to check validation on every single page. So should you.
  4. All styles and positioning must be done with valid CSS.
    You may use tables to position tabular data only.
    If you think your site needs a table, please check in with me.
  5. Your pages should share one external CSS stylesheet, called by your header include.
  6. Responsive, mobile-friendly CSS: flexible pages and images, with media queries to adjust the layout as the screen size changes.
  7. A clickable logo image on every page that links back to your home page.
  8. No broken links or paths.
  9. No mail-to attributes. Any contact links must take the user to a web page, such as a contact form.
  10. Consistent navigation on all pages.
  11. "Back to top" links and footer navigation at the bottom of all scrolling pages. At least one page must demonstrate how a long, scrolling page will work in your design.
  12. Continuity of design, color and style across all pages.
  13. Legibility: Use appropriate line length, line-height, negative space, and contrast, as covered in class.
  14. Web-optimized images in the correct proportion, resolution, and file size.
  15. A footer with copyright information that shows who did the web design (you) and who owns the site content (your client).
  16. Links pointing to elements residing on your server must be relative.
  17. Links pointing to any elements not residing on your server must be absolute.
  18. Page-identifying headlines on all interior pages<./li>
  19. You-are-here nav styles on the main and sub-nav menus. (These are optional on the footer menu.)
  20. Server-side include files for commonly repeated elements such as header, navigation, and footer.
  21. At least one working form, constructed and styled as shown in class, which contains at least one of each form element: textfield, email field, textarea, radio group, checkbox group, and select box.
    • Filling out the email field should be required to submit the form.
    • Your form should send an email to
      Note that if your site is on edison, you must use this address!
  22. A thanks page for your form, with a copy of the form on it, an appropriate page headline, and "your message has been sent" wording.
  23. A site map showing all pages on your site, with live links to each page. This can be a separate page, or a detailed footer nav menu.
  24. Completeness of your in-class presentation, which should cover:

Due date: by 9:00 PM on Wednesday, March 25th, do the following:


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